Tuesday, March 1, 2005


A little helpful information for those of you who are new to the site and want to see where it all started; you can view the earlier entries by clicking on the blue highlighted link entitled, you guessed it!, "VIEW OLDER ENTRIES". It's located at the top of the page.

Once there, there is a drop down menu that will allow you to choose the month you wish to go to. The entries go as far back as January '05.

Found out yesterday at soundcheck that Engelbert has the flu and is cancelling the next two shows. So, with bags and instrument in hand, it's off to Portsmouth for 3 days off! After that, it's gigs in Manchester, Leicester, other 'sters, 'hams, and 'bournes, then off to Belgium, Antwerp and Paris to close out this part of the tour.

During yet another early AM spent futzing about, I discovered the magic of "Garage Band"; a music writing/recording program that came installed on my iBook G4. It appears to have potential as a great practice tool. More on all that in my next entry.

I want to thank all of those who have enjoyed my humble little musings and for the positive feedback you have given me. It goes a long way towards encouraging me to continue.

Best wishes, and stay tuned!

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