Saturday, March 12, 2005


3/12, 9:25am: Well folks, guess who, as of today, is a little older and, hopefully, a little wiser? Though I’m thousands of miles from home, my ever-thoughtful bandmates treated me to a rousing (as rousing can be at 1:30 in the morning) rendition of “Happy Birthday” whilst on our bus ride to Leicester after the show last night.

It was a long day yesterday as we left Nottingham (we had another great show there by the way) for Basingstoke at 10:30am, arrived at the venue at 3:30pm (just in time for soundcheck), did the show and then got right back on the bus at 11:30pm for a 4 hour ride to Leicester. We’re here at the Holiday Inn Leicetser where, after all that, they can’t get the phones to work. Lovely. (Happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me...).

So, with a day off in front of me and on my birthday yet, I contemplate the days agenda. Part of me is, well, exhausted and happy to do absolutely nothing. Another part is saying “Do something you knucklehead!”. I’m sitting here watching some American TV discard called Relic Hunter  with Tia Carrera. She’s got a couple of treasures I’d like to discover.
Oy, I really need to get home.

Just to back up a bit, we played the Isle of Man a few days ago and I had a nice time at what was a beautiful change of scenery. Isle of Man is a smallish island - about 35x12 miles - off the coast of Liverpool. In addition tobeing the home of the famous tail-less Manx cat, it is also host to a world famous Grand Prix event as well as other motor sports. The countryside was beautiful and during the bus ride from the airport to our hotel we took in miles and miles of farmland stocked with mostly sheep and the cutest little lambs you ever saw. Add to that some of the nicest weather we’ve encountered so far and you’ve got a couple of days of what felt like a real vacation.

On that note, I’m going to peel myself off the bed and grab some breakfast. It’s either that or continue to avail myself of Tia Carrera’s, um, talents. (Happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me!).

Off to breakfast!

Until next time,

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