Monday, August 23, 2010

Is Anybody Out There?

Haven't posted in several months and thought I'd pay a visit to the site and see if my remote posts (via my cellphone) had worked. Well, as I found out, sort of. What ended up being posted was lots of computer code but nothing resembling what I wrote. Perhaps I missed a step along the way or the technology isn't working as intended. In any event, I took it down and now catching up via my computer.

As I mentioned in my last post, I returned to Jakarta and had a great time. The event - The Java Jazz Festival - was moved to another venue within the city to accomodate a larger crowd. While it was indeed bigger, I hesitate to say it was better.

In addition to the venue being moved, the artists were also booked into a different hotel. In the past, the hotel & venue were linked by an underground walkway which made commuting to and from the venue quite easy. No such convenience this time. What was once a 15 minute walk turned into an almost 2hr. shuttle ride. Not that the new venue was that far away, it's just that the traffic was ridiculous! Though I am unsure if I will return next year, I hope the event planners will reconsider their restructuring of the arrangements and go back to what was a very efficient system.

Of course, much time has passed since then and I have been quite busy here in town with my usual assortment of gigs, sessions, reherasals, teaching and the like. I am very proud of the musical associations I've made and these past few months have provided much food for the soul. It's no mystery that Los Angeles is brimming with talented musicians; that I get to play with so many of them with such regularity is truly a blessing. As I explore the Internet and discover one great bassist after another, I hope that I continue to improve and enjoy whatever slice of the pie I am able to carve out for myself. Here's to the phone ringing!

Beth and Natalia (our 4 year old little angel) have been in NY & NJ visiting friends and relatives for the past week and a half. And, while I've enjoyed the quiet, the endless hours of baseball & movies on TV, and the time to myself upon arriving home from a gig, I am happy to be picking them up tonight at the airport and having them home. I miss my girls!

Regarding the title for this post; I'm wondering if there's anyone reading these anymore. I enjoy writing but I'm beginning to wonder to whom.

In any event, it's been a great summer of 2010. Up until the last few days the weather has been decidedly comfortable and only now do I find myself turning on the A/C. The economy has, as with most things, affected my work situation but thankfully only moderately as I seem to keep the calendar relatively full. However, not one to sit around waiting for things to happen, I'm embarking on a new career path for myself. This is not to replace my musical career but rather inject an additional flow of income from a new and, for me, a very different source. Curious? Stay tuned!

Until next time, your friendly neighborhood bassist...

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