Thursday, December 14, 2006

Natalia Vicki Cohen - One Year!!!

Good morning music lovers! With fatherhood being such a big part of who I am now, I suspect that this journal will be as much about that part of my life as music. I hope those of you who have either already sailed that ship, or are not interested in it altogether, will find something amusing or entertaining (if not particularly interesting) in my little anecdotes. Fear not however, as there will be plenty of reports from the gigging front. I'm embedded with the Local 47 here in the mean streets of Los Angeles.

A couple of new and interesting gigs on the schedule...

Tonight I'm playing with one of my favorite guitarists in town, Jamie Findlay. Playing in a duo situation can be challenging and often result in some very satisfying music. The intimacy, coupled with the element of being so exposed - just two "voices" interacting - leaves little room for extraneous noodling. Every note must count; everything executed with intent and assuredness so that our small but mighty ship sails undaunted through the murky waters of ambiguity. Let our sails unfurl with bright, bold passages! Let the bow of our ship point forward with grace and fire! Let our...alright already.

Later this week is the return of the Adam Cohen Band to The Baked Potato. Joining us this time around is the wonderful saxophonist Doug Webb. Among Doug's many well-known employers is none other than the great Stanley Clarke. I'm thrilled to have him on the gig. We'll of course be playing music from my recent album Ritual, but also on tap is a tune (After The Rain) from my first album - from 1994! - and a couple of others that as yet have not been recorded. At rehearsal, it was nice hearing a song I wrote so many years ago and feeling like it still had some legs.

Next month is gigs with The Buddy Childers/Ron King Big Band; a fairly recent association for me. Since I joined the band a couple of months ago, it has provided me with a great deal of musical satisfaction as well as some challenges. There are a couple of bass features in the book (a wonderful book overall, by the way, with terrific tunes & arrangements) and I've enjoyed making new friends and basking in the powerful & tasteful playing of my comrades.

Finally, I have to announce the first birthday of our lovely little girl Natalia! Yup, as my Mom used to say, one year ago I had such a tummy ache! Of course I'm really referring to the lovely Beth, but I had to share that with you. The official date is 12/13 and we're having her party on the 17th. She's become quite enamored (in as much a one-year-old can become enamored) with Sesame Street and in particular the character Elmo. So the whole theme of the party is Elmo! Elmo plates, cups, signs, etc. Don't tell her, but Mommy & Daddy bought her an Elmo doll!

Okay folks. I'll sign off before I lose my hip musician-type status.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am really glad you have become my online buddy. after i saw you girl and baby it is something to be very proud point of being is my three children,42,29, first grandson is the child you see. i had rather people enjoy his face rather then mine. so your life really began one year ago so God has really blessed you.  marcie