Saturday, October 8, 2005

The Changing Time Pub

10/8, 1:56am: Just played our first night at the Westbury Music Fair. What a fucking circus (pardon the pun). Whatever it was that the audience had come expecting to see, I’m pretty sure tonight’s bloodbath wasn’t it. I won’t go into details but I believe two words are in order here; very sad.

To wash it all away, Ron (trumpet), Dave (guitar), Jeremy (trombone), and I decided to take in one of the local watering holes. Though Dave & Jeremy seemed to fade fairly quickly, Ron and I had a great time talking and observing how different the scene was from what we know of L.A. As I mentioned in a previous entry, the charm and substance of the people and places of New York has already placed its spell on me. I know it might sound crazy but hearing that NY accent just sends me. We had two women bartenders with hair from 1977 who sounded like the chick on King of Queens and I was in heaven. Nobody said “I’m like” this or that. Nobody gave a shit and a shake whether or not they had on the latest fashion. Everyone spoke in a no-nonsense, direct, warm, and genuine way. My God, I thought there had been something wrong with ME all these years!

When we decided to call it a night, we had the bartender call us a cab. To my surprise, it was a white guy who spoke english. Not only that, but he seemed to be a local who had been doing the cabbie gig for some time. He regaled us with stories of how he’d recently turned 50 but was trying not to succumb to talking and acting like his old man did at that age. The depth of the conversation quickly swam towards the shallow end when the subject turned to women of different ethnicities and he told us of an Indian gal he knew who was in NY studying medicine and had “great jugs”. I laughed all the way back to the hotel.

Well, my three scotches are beginning to work on me, so I better go. I’ve got ESPN, HBO, and CNN waiting for my remote. And how about the baseball playoffs?! I’ve been relishing very moment of every game. And, by the way, it’s heartwarming to see everyone here in their Yankee garb. People talk about sports -- and particularly, baseball -- around here, knowledgeably and passionately. So refreshing.

Until next time...go Yankees!

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